Success Story: Al

Because of the economic downturn, Al lost his job–along with his company car–last February. Married with two daughters, Al was very motivated to find a way to support his family, but his job search was complicated by his lack of reliable transportation. After finding an hourly job outside of his chosen profession, he had a new challenge: getting to work. Because Al has a disability which makes it difficult for him to walk long distances and he and his family do not live near a bus line, he had to rely on his neighbors, friends and co-workers for rides.
Since receiving his “new-to-him” Nissan Sentra at the Wheels of Success Labor Day event, Al is no longer underemployed. He has landed a second job–this one in his chosen field of Merchandising. Because this position requires him to travel between retail outlets to call on clients, this employment opportunity would not have been possible without his own ‘wheels’.
Al says his car is a “real blessing and it has made a world of difference, not only for me, but for my entire family. I am so grateful to Wheels of Success.”