Success Story: Michael
Vehicles for Veterans

Before receiving his Wheels’ vehicle Michael, a dedicated, hardworking veteran took 3 buses, spending over 2.5 hrs. getting to work. Struggling to get to work in order to support his family took its toll in terms of stress and lack of confidence. Riding the bus for so many hours a day left little quality time to spend with his family.
Michael received his “New to Him” wheels on Labor Day 2015, a 2012 Toyota Camry from State Farm under our Vehicles for Veterans Program. The Vehicles for Veterans Program was started with funding through State Farm in 2009. Since receiving his vehicle his life has changed and his dedication and hard work in the name of love for his family has paid off. He received a promotion and pay raise at his current job with the State of Florida as a Disabled Veteran Outreach Specialist. Michael says, “I could never have gotten this job in Plant City without a Vehicle“.
Michael believes family is everything, “There is more to my life than just saying these are my kids. They are my world and with this vehicle I am able to not just support them, but be there for them as an involved father”. After receiving his Wheels’ vehicle, Michael’s commute time decreased to 35 minutes. He can also go with his family to Sunday services every week, enriching his life and making it stronger and more unified. Michael is also able to go to his children’s activities and performances, “Seeing my children’s face light up when I show up to their activities and school performances is priceless“.
With his new job, confidence restored and title to his vehicle, he supports Wheels of Success in any way he can and helps other eligible veterans by referring them to Wheels of Success so they can also get their “Keys to Success”.